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Squamanita transected shows the parasitic mushroom growing on top of the Amanita volva.

Squamanita transect DW Ms.jpg A Squamanita - a parasitic mushroom growing on top of the base of the high-jacked Amanita volva and stembaseThumbnailsBoletellus emodensis found in oak forest above Tingtibi in 1300m.A Squamanita - a parasitic mushroom growing on top of the base of the high-jacked Amanita volva and stembaseThumbnailsBoletellus emodensis found in oak forest above Tingtibi in 1300m.A Squamanita - a parasitic mushroom growing on top of the base of the high-jacked Amanita volva and stembaseThumbnailsBoletellus emodensis found in oak forest above Tingtibi in 1300m.A Squamanita - a parasitic mushroom growing on top of the base of the high-jacked Amanita volva and stembaseThumbnailsBoletellus emodensis found in oak forest above Tingtibi in 1300m.A Squamanita - a parasitic mushroom growing on top of the base of the high-jacked Amanita volva and stembaseThumbnailsBoletellus emodensis found in oak forest above Tingtibi in 1300m.A Squamanita - a parasitic mushroom growing on top of the base of the high-jacked Amanita volva and stembaseThumbnailsBoletellus emodensis found in oak forest above Tingtibi in 1300m.