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Ophiocordyceps on odontomachus ant seen in Isla Escondida

Ophiocordyceps odontomachis DW Ms.jpg Ophiocordyceps binata seen in Mocoa ThumbnailsCordyceps (aka Isaria) tenuipes anamorph. Most of the conidiospores already were dispersed from moving the specimen for the photo.                   seen in PitalitoOphiocordyceps binata seen in Mocoa ThumbnailsCordyceps (aka Isaria) tenuipes anamorph. Most of the conidiospores already were dispersed from moving the specimen for the photo.                   seen in PitalitoOphiocordyceps binata seen in Mocoa ThumbnailsCordyceps (aka Isaria) tenuipes anamorph. Most of the conidiospores already were dispersed from moving the specimen for the photo.                   seen in PitalitoOphiocordyceps binata seen in Mocoa ThumbnailsCordyceps (aka Isaria) tenuipes anamorph. Most of the conidiospores already were dispersed from moving the specimen for the photo.                   seen in PitalitoOphiocordyceps binata seen in Mocoa ThumbnailsCordyceps (aka Isaria) tenuipes anamorph. Most of the conidiospores already were dispersed from moving the specimen for the photo.                   seen in Pitalito