Home / Bhutan 2019 110

- Great Hornbill - Buceros bicornis seen near Zhemgang from an Ecolodge to be.
- Life stages of Phallus impudicus with an open sliced egg. When young the egg is an enjoyable edible, very firm and mildly tasting like radish.
- Phallus impudicus seen from above. They are quite common in pine forests.
- Phallus impudicus half grown with lots of flies. I could observe the growth while taking pictures.
- A Mutinus stinkhorn aka dog stinkhorn or Dog's rod. Not 100% sure which species, but close to M. caninus
- A stinkhorn relative that fruits in the egg state. Maybe one of these two East Asian species: Protuberella borealis or Kobayashia nipponica ? Growing with Castanopsis above Tingtibi
- A beautiful pink-orange Ramaria above Tingtibi, Zhemgang that is locally eaten.
- Beautiful Yellow trumpet - Craterellus aureus above Tingtibi, Zhemgang.
- Tsering proudly showing 2 big Briddegills, Russula cf brevipes near Misetang, Tang, Bumthang.
- What looks like a frozen forest is the minute minute Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. arbuscula. Seen below Trongsa .
- Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. arbuscula slimemold growing near Trongsa, Bhutan.
- A Squamanita - a parasitic mushroom growing on top of the base of the high-jacked Amanita volva and stembase
- Squamanita standing above Tingtibi, Zhemgang, Bhutan.
- Squamanita transected shows the parasitic mushroom growing on top of the Amanita volva.
- Clitocybe nuda aka Lepista nuda, the Blewitt, a choice edibe mushroom, Tangsibi, Bumthang
- Clitocybe nuda gills. The mushroom had the typical fruity, frozen orange juice concentrate aroma.
- Audience of 400 students (not all visible here) for my Mushroom talk at Yibi Labtsa Tangtibi School
- Termitomyces sp, maybe T. eurhizus found above Tingtibi, a choice edible
- Termitomyces sp. locally known as Bangmu. Photo: Cheku Cr ed DW Ms
- Termitomyces patch. Though they grow on the wood rich underground excrement of termites, they are very tasty and popular