Home / Bhutan 2019 110

- Amanita rubrovolvata buds
- Tolypogladium ophioglossoides, formerly Elaphocordyceps, a Cordyceps relative parasitizing a Elaphomyces truffle seen ibelow Chele La, Paro.
- Tolypogladium ophioglossoides with sliced open deer truffles.
- Tricyrtis, possibly Tricyrtis maculata, a toad lily seen near Trongsa.
- Allium wallichii seen in Thowdrak
- Cyananthus lobatus, Campnaulaceae growing near Phadjoding.
- Primula capitata seen from above, Tangsibi
- Ponerorchis chusua orchid, Phadjoding
- The 2019 Mushroaming Fungal Fellowship. During a short stop at an old-growth spruce forest we found Netcap King boletes (Boletus reticuloceps), Ochre Himalayan Caesars (Amanita hemibapha var ochracea or now A. ochracea) and Blewits (Lepista cf nuda). Th
- Momo and peaches for the picnic lunch above Ura.
- Amanita caesareoides found in oak forest above Tingtibi in 1800m.
- An Amanita that looks very similar to A. augusta from the Pacific NW in North America growing above Tangsibi in 3500m.
- Boletus reticuloceps found near Tangsibi in spruce forest. So tatsy!
- Xanthocomium? A bolete found in the oak forest near Jakar 2400m.
- Boletellus emodensis found in oak forest above Tingtibi in 1300m.
- Aureoboletus tibethanus, a small very viscid (slime covered) and rugose (dimpled) bolete.
- Aureoboletus tibethanus grows in oak forests
- Aphelaria? The closest I could find. Aphelariaceae are in the Cantharellales order. But really no idea. In Tsuga dumosa forest in 3000m in Thowadra, Bumthang., 2900m
- Auricularia wood ears locally eaten in Zhemgang
- Boletus reticuloceps. Mushroaming knife for scale. You can order from my webpage under Goods & Resources