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Bolerus karmesinus, now probably Butyriboletus or Exsidoporus karmesinus. Seen below Chele La.

Butyriboletus red CheleLa DW Ms.jpg Momo and peaches for the picnic lunch above Ura.Thumbnailsred Cruentomycena sp. growing on leaf in TingtibiMomo and peaches for the picnic lunch above Ura.Thumbnailsred Cruentomycena sp. growing on leaf in TingtibiMomo and peaches for the picnic lunch above Ura.Thumbnailsred Cruentomycena sp. growing on leaf in TingtibiMomo and peaches for the picnic lunch above Ura.Thumbnailsred Cruentomycena sp. growing on leaf in TingtibiMomo and peaches for the picnic lunch above Ura.Thumbnailsred Cruentomycena sp. growing on leaf in Tingtibi