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- Chlorociboria sp. San Agustin. All the fruiting bodies were very similar and regular shaped, something I have not observed in other Chlorociboria species.
- Marasmius berteroi gills seen in San Agustin
- Chlorociboria sp. seen in Rio Magdalena Narrows near San Agustin
- Tubifera microsperma Slime mold seen in San Agustin
- Tubifera microsperma Slime mold seen in San Agustin
- Cordyceps caloceroides growing out of a Tarantula seen near Pitalito
- Guepinia helvelloides, Charguayaco, Pitalito
- A gorgeues Guepinia helvelloides seen in Charguayaco near Pitalito
- Cordyceps (aka Isaria) tenuipes anamorph. Most of the conidiospores already were dispersed from moving the specimen for the photo. seen in Pitalito
- Cerioporus flavus in Charguayaco, near Pitalito
- Check out this weird hydnoid hymenium of Cerioporus flavus seen near Pitalito
- Hyperdermium sp. with possibly its anamorph or a secondary parasite growing out of the old fruiting body. Hyperdermium is a Cordyceps relative in the Hypocreales seen near Pitalito
- Ophiocordyceps on odontomachus ant seen in Isla Escondida
- Beauveria sp. growing out of a mall grasshopper
- Auriscalpium villipes with its cool hydnoid hymenium
- Auriscalpium villipes cap seen in Isla Escondida
- Auriscalpium villipes, a hydnoid wood decayer found in Isla Escondida
- Polyporus tricholoma hymenium
- The hymenium of Polyporus tricholoma, recently transferred to Lentinus, hence Lentinus tricholoma
- Entoloma sp. close to E. calliderma growing close to Fin del Mundo, Mocoa