Home / Bolivia Rain Forest 2012 116
Selected images from the Amazon rainforest form the 2012 MushRoaming tour to Bolivia. Lots of mushrooms, some wildlife, plants etc. Enjoy!

- A Favolaschia pair in Chalalan Cr
- DeflexaQQQ S
- Cordyceps grasshoper S
- Agaricus buggy Chalalan Ed S-1811872024
- Akanthomyces Chalalan S
- Ara ararauna Blue-Yellow Macaw face S
- Ara ararauna Blue-Yellow Macaw S
- Asco teal Coroico Sm
- Auricularia delicata underside Rurre Cr S
- Avocado fresh Rurre S
- Bolivian Red Howler - Alouatta sara S
- Bug convention S
- Buttres roots Cassie S
- Canoe on Beni 2012 Cr S
- Capybara - Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris S
- Polyporus udus S
- Caripia montagnei S
- Cebus apella (Brown Capuchin Monkey) S
- Chocolate fruit Yovani 1 s
- Climber flower S