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- (33755) A moth having a real bad case of Cordyceps tuberculata, the telemorph of what was formerly known as Akanthomyces pistillariiformis'
- (30664) Tsonkhapa Lithang DW Ms
- (27791) Agaricus sp cr DW Ms
- (27745) Netcapped King bolete - Boletus reticuloceps - growing in Ura, Bumthang, Bhutan
- (27263) Alloclavaria purpurea Cordova 2011 DW S
- (26945) Paeonia delavayii Dranggo DW Ms
- (26257) A Favolaschia pair in Chalalan Cr
- (25828) Zandok Palri temple Kawalungri DW Ms
- (25739) Termitomyces sp. seen in Kerala
- (25608) Polygonatum kansuense DW Ms
- (25350) Nice collection of this choice edible Boletus reticuloceps found under a few spruce trees
- (25199) Rheum alexandrae 2015 DW Ms
- (25138) Catathelasma imperiale Cordova 2011 DW S
- (24841) Puri cantilever bridge DW Ms
- (24825) Verpa digitaliformis DW Ms