Fungal links: Mycological Societies Cordyceps German Mushroom pages
Current Fungal Events:
Mycology & Mushrooming
MatchMaker great free software for mushroom ID for the Pacific Northwest incl. thousands of images
Danny Miller's awesome PNW Mushroom Pictorial Key based on Matchmaker
Mykoweb will connect you to wherever you want to stretch your hyphae
Mushroom Observer the site to upload your pictures of recent fungal finds and finding documentation on collections
Matsutake in Oregon Information concerning fruit production of Matsutake shiros
Mushroom Growers Newsletter with tons of info for growers
Mycological Resources on the internet overview offered by Cornell University
Harvard's Biodiversity of the Hengduan Mountains Region listings of botanical and fungal specimen collections [with pictures]
Caps and Stems Chris Hardwick's site on mushrooming in Colorado
Mushroom - The Journal of Wild Mushrooming - Great magazine with good webpages
Fungi Magazine for amateur and professional mycologists
David Pilz's Pilzwald: Mycological consulting for Oregon
Larry Evan's Fungal Jungal highly informative & diverse pages on PNW and South American Fungi
Eat More Toadstools Blog on wild edible and medicinal mushrooms & plants
Mushroom Appreciation Amy's interesting webpages on a wide variety of mushroom appreciation and application
Lot's of Wild Mushroom Recipes collected and cooked by Andrew MacMillen
Australian Fungi great intro to this exotic mycota. Also contains ethno-mycology page
Fungi Forays with Daniel Butler and much more in the UK a Skandinavian site listing common mushrooms and providing forums
for discussing international fungi.
for discussing international fungi.
Mycological teaching diagrams by Meike Piepenbring. A plethora of very helpful diagrams covering the whole fungal kingdom
Daniel Winkler's Cordyceps blog a collection of Ophiocordyceps sinensis and related information by Joey Spatafora et al. with vast collection of specimen photos and monographic study
Bryce Kendrick's webpage on the mycology of Cordyceps species and its order Clavicipitales in the Ascomycetes
Cordyceps in Japan with lots of photos!
Cordyceps paintings from a Cordyceps book by Drs. D. Shimizu and K. Kobayasi
Cordyceps in Bhutan stories on Rolands webpages
Cordyceps in Tibetan culture: medicinal use and collection by Alessandro Boesi
Pacific Northwest Key Council Keys to Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Washington State
Seattle WA Puget Sound Mycological Society
Bellingham WA Northwest Mushroomers Association
Bremerton WA Kitsap Peninsula Mycological Society
Everett WA Snohomish County Mycological Society
Olympia WA South Sound Mushroom Club
Port Angeles WA Olympic Peninsula Mycological Society
Yakima WA Yakima Valley Mushroom Society
Chehalis & Centralia WA Southwest Washington Mycological Sociey
Portland OR Oregon Mycological Society
Eugene OR Cascade Mycological Society
Corvallis OR North American Truffling Society
Salem OR Willamette Valley Mushroom Society
Missoula MN Western Montana Mycological Association & Larry Evan's informative diverse Fungal Jungal
Coeur d'Alene North Idaho Mycological Society email: tina [at]
Los Angeles Mycological Society: LAMS
Humboldt Bay Mycological Society
Mycological Society of San Francisco, CA: MSSF
Santa Cruz, CA Fungs Federation of Santa Cruz
Sonoma County Mycological Association, CA SOMA
San Diego Mycological Society SDMS
Denver's Colorado Mycological Society
Canada: British Columbia
Vancouver BC's Vancouver Mycological Society
Victoria BC - South Vancouver Island Mycological Society SVIMS
Pender Harbour, BC SHROOMS
Edmonton AB Alberta Mycological Society
East Coast Mycological Societies
COMA Connecticut-Westchester Mycological Association
New Jersey Mycological Assication
New York City New York Mycological Society
Washington DC Mycological Association of Washington DC
Atlanta GA Mushroom Club of Georgia
Clemson SC South Carolina Upstate Mycological Society
Austrian Mycological Society is a scientific organization to promote both practical and scientific mycology
German Mycological Society is a representation of interests of German professional and amateur mycologists & mushroom pickers
Please let me know if you want your webpage included and let me know if a link is bad, thanks!
Deutsche Netzseiten [German Webpages]
Der Tintling, Grossartige Pilzzeitung. Alles über Pilze, Pilzbilder, Pilznamen uvm
Volker's Pilzwelt, beeindruckende Pilzseiten Pilzdiskussionen und Pilzbestimmungen mit Bilderrauflademöglichkeit, tolle Geschichte
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie Interessenvertreter aller Mykologen, Pilzfreunde und Naturschützer in Deutschland
Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft vertritt die praktische und wissenschaftliche Pilzkunde in Österreich
Mykologie: Heimische Pilze - Pilzseiten von Jörg Riedel's wunderschöner Naturfotographie
Cordyceps in Bhutan Links von Roland gesammmelt
Pilz-Eldorado La Palma Netzseiten von Rose Marie Dähncke zur Funga von La Palma, Kanarische Inseln