Books on Plants, Mushroom & Wildlife of the Tibetan Plateau


      Plant, Wildlife & Mushroom Color Picture Books on the
Tibetan Plateau, the
Himalayas and China

compiled by Daniel Winkler


- Guide to the Flowers of Western China. Grey-Wilson, Christopher & Cribb, Phillip. 2011. Kew Publishing, 642p.
Most detailed plant book for SW China so far. Over 2700 plant descriptions with 2200 photos, which are rather small, but depict plants accurate.

- Field Guide to the Wildflowers of Ganzi. 2007. Wang Chen,  Flora & Fauna International, 146p.
Small pocket guide sorted by flower color with a good selection of Ganzi’s most common flowers.

-The Wild Flowers of Yunnan in China. Wu Quanan, Kunming Istitute of Botany, CAS , 1999, ISBN 7-5038-2287-2, ?RMB, 192p., (29x22cm)
High quality photos of nearly 400 plants with detailed botanical description. Also contained is an introduction to
Yunnan’s flora and ecosystems. (in English)

- The Wild Flowers of Tibet. Xu Feng & Zheng Wei, 1999, ISBN 7-5032-1605-0, 130 RMB, 120p., (27x26cm)
Plants presented by ecosystem from tropical to alpine region. High quality photos of 186 plants and 28 landscape scenes. (in Chinese and English)

- Himalayan Plants Illustrated. Toshio Yoshida 2005.  Himaraya shokubutsu daizukan, 1-799, ISBN 4-635-58031-8, Japanese, excellent pictures of greatest variety of Himalayan plants including South Tibetan Flora.

- Wild Flowers of China. Li Shengchen, Zhang Zhiming, Lang Kaiyong, 1996, ISBN 7-5309-2623-3/S 59, Tianjin Education Press, 500 RMB, 346p., (38x27cm)
Approx. 700 plants depicted in big, high quality prints. (in English)

- Highland Flowers of Yunnan. Yunnan Sci. Tech. Press, Kunming, 1997, ISBN 7-5416-1123-9/S, 320 RMB, 252p.,
Best picture book on Plateau plants so far! 485 species depicted in high quality reproductions. (in Chinese and English)

- The Wildflowers in the HengduanMountains in Yunnan China (Zhongguo Yunnan Hengduan Shan ....) Yunnan Publishing House, Kunming 1993 by Prof. Zhu Weiming Yunnan Univ. of Ecology and Plant Study Institute (Sentai Dizi Wuxue Yanqiushuo), ISBN 7-222-01303-2/Q3; 350 RMB, +200p.

- Alpine Flowering Plants in China. Feng Zhizhou, Lang Kaiyong, Li Bosheng, China Esperanto Press, Beijing, 1997, 156p. (Yunnan Acad. Forestry Science) ISBN 7-5052-0323-1 (19x26cm)
154 species depicted, very good photos, many Primula (19), Rhodies (14), also rich in Meconopsis, Incarvillea, Iris, Saussurea. (in Chinese and English)

- Rare and Precious Wild Flowers of China I, Feng Kuomei. China Forestry Publ. House, Beijing, 1996, 145p.. ISBN 7-5038-1423-3 (22x29cm)
311 species with photo and detailed descriptions

- Orchids. Yang Zenghong, Zhang Qitai, Feng Zhizhou, Lang Kaiyong, Li Bosheng, China Esperanto Press, Beijing, 1993, 178p. (Kunming Inst. Biol., CAS, Yunnan Acad. Forestry). ISBN 7-5052-0092-5 (19x26cm)
192 photos, most of them taken in situ, caption gives areas of distribution and altitude.

- Rare Flowers and Unusual Trees - A collection of Yunnan’s most treasured Plants. Zhang Qitai, Feng Zhizhou, Yang Zenghong, English: Xiong Z.R., China Esperanto Press, Beijing, 1988, 146p. ISBN 7-5052-0033-X (19x26cm)
good photos, but very short captions.

- The Alpine Plants of China. Zhang Jingwei (ed.), Science Press - Beijing / Gordon & Breach - New York, 1982, 134p. ISBN 0-677-60190-5 (24x29cm)
197 photos, captions also describe medicinal propensities.

- Landscape of Forest Ecology on Tibetan Plateau. Xue Fengxiang, 1997, 135p.,
ISBN 7-5038 1633-3S 0932 (22x29cm)
a combination of good quality landscape and species photos (in Chinese and English)

- Orchids of Arunachal Pradesh. Sadanand N. Hegde. Forest Dep. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar, 101p., no ISBN. (22x29cm)
84 (poor) color, 34 b/w photos, over 200 sp. described, list of AP’s 368 orchids, bibliography.

- 100 Himalayan Flowers. Ashvin Mehta, text P.V.Bole, The Vendome Press, NY, 1991, 144p. ISBN 0-86565-124-8 (26x26cm)
excellent photos, many close-ups, 100 species with brief identification.

- Flowers of the Himalaya. Oleg Polunin & Adam Stainton 1984, 580p., Oxford Univ. Press, over 690 plant photos, 315 b/w drawings, ISBN 0-19-217623-4 (14x22cm)
description of 1500 species found above 1200m.

- Concise Flowers of the Himalaya. Oleg Polunin & Adam Stainton 1987, 283p., Oxford Univ. Press, over 690 plant photos, 315 b/w drawings, ISBN 0-19-561832-7 (14x22cm)
same photos/drawing as Flowers of the Himalaya, but abbreviated descriptive part.

- Flowers of the Himalaya - A Supplement. Adam Stainton 1988, 86p, Oxford Univ. Press, over 600 plant photos, ISBN 0-19-561981-1 (14x22cm)
contains 350 species not described in Flowers of the Himalaya, also 600 new plant photos

- Rambling over the Sea of Forests in China. Ed. by Ministry of Forestry, 1982, Publ. Beijing Publ. House, 108p., (Chinese / English) no ISBN (25x27cm)
213 photos, some nice landscape pictures, otherwise too ‘rambling’.

- The Rare Plants and Flowers of Western Sichuan. Chengdu Institute of Biology - CAS, 1989, Sichuan Nationality Publishing House, 107p. (Chinese / English) no ISBN (23x25cm, soft cover)
114 photos, reproduction quality sometimes poor.

Tibetan Medicine books with plant sections


- Trung-pe trime shelgyi Melong, Ed. Gawä Dorje, compiled by Chamdo Sakül Mentsi Khang 1995, Beijing, 455p., (in Tibetan, Chinese and scientific listing) ISBN 7-105-02414-3
861 colour pictures (on 146 pages) off all Tibetan materia medica including over 550 plant photos subtitled with Tibetan and scientific names.

- Tibetan Medicinal Plants. Tsewang J.Tsarong. Tibetan Medical Publications, Kalimpong WB, 1994, ISBN 81-900489-0-2  (18x11.5cm, soft cover)
small booklet with 94 photos of important Tibetan medicinal plants with Tibetan and scientific names.



Yuan, Ming-Sheng. & Sun, P.-Q. (Ed) 1995, Sichuan Mushroom [Sichuan _jun], Science. & Technology Press, Chengdu,1-735 (In Chinese) ISBN 7-5364-2585-6/S

Dai Xiancai et al. (1994), Mushroom Key of Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province [Sichuanzhen Ganzizhou Jun Leizhi], Chengdu, 1-330. (in Chinese), ISBN 7-5364 27263
48 small color plates, lots of drawings.

Mao, Xiaolan; Jiang, Changpin; Otsu, Tsewng 1993: Economic Macrofungi of Tibet, [with drawings], Beijing Sci. Tech Publ. House, 1-652 (in Chinese)

Mao, Xiaolan, 2000: The Macrofungi in China. In Chinese with Latin names, 1-719, [Hundreds of photos] ISBN: 7-5349-2176-7

Wang, X-H, Liu, P-G, Yu, F-Q. 2004. Color Altas of Wild Commercial Mushrooms in Yunnan. Yunnan Science and Technology Press, Kunming, China. (in Chinese).

Zhang, Guangya (ed.) 1999: Zhongguo Changjian Shiyong Jun Tujian - Illustration for China Popular Edible Mushroom.Yunnan Science Publishing House –Yunnan Kexui Shubanshi,Kunming, 1-110. (in Chinese). 


- Guide to Wildlife in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan. Ganzi  Forestry Bureau, 2002.  A handbook and field guide to wildlife found in Kham, illustrated with color photos and drawings.  Described are 87 types of animals and birds, with a paragraph of information about each given in Chinese And Tibetan; Latin and English common names are included but there is no English description.  Small, soft cover but printed on heavy durable glossy paper, 150 pp.

- A Field Guide to the Birds of China, 2000. John MacKinnon, Karen Phillipps & He Feqin, Oxford University Press. 586 p. [Paperback]

- Birds of China. Zhang Cizu, Zhu Xiang, Pang Bingzhang. China Forestry Publ. House, Beijing, 1997,186p.. ISBN 7-5038-1598-1 (22x29cm)
420 photos of 402 bird species presented by ecosystem, detailed descriptions.

- Into the Wild - The Rare and Endangered Species of China. Tan Bangjie, New World Press, Beijing, 1996, 107p. ISBN 7-800005-298-2 (22x25cm, soft cover)
101 photos, emphasis on text.

- An Instant Guide to Rare Wildlife of Tibet. Liu Wulin. Tibet Wildlife Conservation Association, China Forestry Publ. House, 1994, 137p. (Chinese / English) ISBN: 7-5038-1283-4 (11x19cm)
120 animal species depicted by photo or painting with short description, very handy.

- The Natural History of China. Zhao Ji (ed.), Zheng Guangmei, Wang Huadong, Xu Jialin. McGraw-Hill Publ. Company, NY, 1990, 224p ISBN 0-07-010752-1 (21x30cm)
250 photos of animals & landscapes, high quality, animal listings, all species with scientific names

- Living Treasures - An Odyssey through China's Extraordinary Nature Reserves, Tang Xiyang, Bantam Books NY. / New World Press Beijing, 1987, 174p. ISBN 0-553-05236-5  (21x26cm)
over 300 (often small-sized) photos, informative text describing Tang’s visits at reserves.

- The Red-Crowned Crane. Xin Jiguang (ed.). China Pictorial, Beijing, 1983, 105p.
(Chinese / English) no ISBN (23x25cm, soft cover)

- Birds of China. Xu Weishu. Foreign Language Press, Beijing, 1989, 105p., ISBN 7-119-000069-1
 general introduction toChina’s birds, 40+ pages of paintings and photos (19x26cm, soft cover).

- The Colour Handbook of the Birds of Sichuan. Sichuan Forestry Department, 1995, 348p., (Chinese) ISBN 7-5038-1160-2 (20X26cm)
over 600 species color drawings of great quality, text in Chinese with scientific names.

- The Giant Panda. Xin Jiguang (ed.). China Pictorial, Beijing, 1989, 118p. ISBN 0-8351-1388-4
besides some degrading pictures (i.e. Panda with broom & bucket), nice landscape photos (23x25cm)

- Indian Wildlife - Inside Guide. Samuel Israel, Toby Sinclair, Bikram Grewal (eds.). Apa Publications, Singapore 1993, 380p. ISBN 0-395-66314-8 / 9-62421-044-6 (15x22cm, soft cover)
very informative, good photos, incl. presentation of animals by families and nature reserves

- A Pictorial Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent. Salim Ali & S.Dillon Ripley. Bombay Nat. Hist. Society, Oxford Univ. Press, 2nd updated edition, 1995, ISBN 0-19-563732-1 (19x26cm)


Protected Areas & Regions


- The Wildlife Treasure-House - Nature Reserves in Sichuan Province. Hu Tieqing (ed.), China Forestry Publ. House, Beijing, 1991,120p.. (Chengdu Inst. Biol. - CAS, Sichuan For. Dep., in Chinese and English) ISBN 7-5038-0799-7 (22x29cm)
232 photos, wildlife, landscape (protected areas), plants.

- China Jiuzhaigou Valley. Compiled by Jiuzhaigou Adm. and China Travel & Tourism Press. 1996, 132p., ISBN 7-5032-1102-4  (intro Chinese, Tibetan, English and Japanese)
Great quality landscape photos, poor text.

- Jiuzhaigou Valley. World Heritage Convention Natural Heritage: China. Prep. Ministry of Construction PRC. no year (1992/4?), 92p., (Inst. M’tn Disaster & Environment CAS) Chengdu, no ISBN 
good photos, scientific listings for WHS application, poor English & scientific name spelling.

- Namche Barwa Grand Canyon - Revealing the Secrets of a Green Canyon. Sichuan Fine Arts Publ. House, 1998, 132p.(Chinese, Tibetan, English) ISBN 7-5410-1460-5 (26x25cm)
Great quality landscape photos, poor text.

- Snowy Mountains and Grasslands - Travels in Northwestern Sichuan. Hu Baoyu & Huang Baoshan, Foreign Language Press, Beijing, 1990, 121p., ISBN 7-119-00744-0
nice landscape and people shots (23x25cm, soft cover)


Last edited on Wed, December 2, 2015, 10:53 pm