Mushroaming in the Alps

Edible and Other Notable Mushrooms in the Northern Alps

The Wild Kaiser (Wilder Kaiser, several peaks above 2300 m / 7600 ft) seen from the town of Going.
Boletus Bern
A king bolete, close to Boletus edulis, but it might be Boletus pinophilus, though the name suggests pine-association it can also associated with spruce 

Boletus edulis, locally known as Herrenpilz or Fichten-Steinpilz (Spruce-King bolete). A beloved and sought after mushroom that grows with spruce (PIcea abies). Late July, early August is its first prime fruiting season.

Boletus pinophilus Bern
 Probably Boletus pinophilus since it has a reddish brown cap and a slightly wrinkled cuticle.

Boletus luridiformis Tyrol
Neoboletus luridiformis (aka B. erythropus), a choice edible bolete known as Schusterpilz in German. It needs to be cooked to render it edible.

A young Boletus luridiformis

Boletus luridiformis 

Nice load! 

No load, but two nice Steinpilze.

Macrolepiota procera, the Parasol Mushroom, can grow to over a foot in height and can be spotted from the car. The snake skin stem is one of its characteristics. It likes forest edges and is one of the best edibles.

Tony Migas proudly sitting in for scale with a pair of Parasol mushrooms. 

Amanita rubescens, the blusher, is a common and early fruiting edible mushroom. Due to its red staining flesh one can be sure not to confuse it with other toxic Amanitas, especially the Panther Agaric (Amanita pantherina).

Panther Agaric (Amanita pantherina) is devoid of the reddish tone of the Blusher and better not confused since it causes nasty poisonings.

Amanita phalloides, the Death Cap. The mushroom that has harmed and killed more peopel than any other mushroom.
Photo Tony Migas, St Johann 2006.

Amanita muscaria Tirol

Amanita muscaria, Fly Agaric, in German: Fliegenpilz. The fairy book mushroom. Often falsly accused to be deadly, though it is for sure toxic, unless one is eager to have an out-of-body experience and is willing to feel so sick to the point where the mind says to the body "see you later" and prefers to be not in contacxt with vile feeling of total nausea. These side effects are the reason why there is not a lot of people that indulge. However, with proper preperation it can be turned into a good edible mushroom. Key is the neutralization of ibotenic acid, a neuro toxin. Thia can be done by slicing the mushroom and parboiling in lots of water. Actually Fly agarics where eaten by the ton in Germany during starvation period after WW2. However, nowadays it is not eaten by many people anymore.

Shaggy manes (Coprinus comatus) locally known as Schopftintling.

Late season fungal bounty (from lower left clockwise): King boletes (Boletus edulis), Blushers (Amanita rubescens), Puffballs (Lycoperdon sp.), Winter chanterelles (Cantharellus tubaeformis), Octopus Stinkhorn (Clathrus archeri, just for decoration), Shaggy manes (Coprinus comatus) and Blewits (Lepista / Clitocybe nuda), and Hedgehog mushrooms (Hydnum repandum).

Fricking Hinterkaiser Wilder Kaiser
In front is the community of Fricking depicted, in the back on the right the forested Niederkaiser and the imposing Wilder Kaiser.

Link to Mushroaming the Tyrolean Alps July 25 to Augus 4, 2015 trip

Cantherellus cibarius, the common European chanterelle known in Austria as Eierschwammerl, in Bavaria as Reherl and in Germany as Pfifferling.

Craterellus tubaeformis, the "Trompetenpfifferling" fruits most abundant late in the season.

Cantharellus viktualienmarkt Munich
Chanterelles (Cantharellus cibarius) for sale at the Viktualienmarkt, Munich's best fresh produce market in the center of town. "Pfifferlinge" are for sale in many regular supermarkets from June onwards.

Many restaurants serve wild mushroom dishes during the season. Even if locally there is a shortage of mushrooms in the woods, supply is imported from Southeast Europe, especially Romania as well as Eastern Europe.

Chanterelles for sale in a supermarket for around $6 per pound, great deal!

Sparassis crispa Tirol
I only found Sparassis crispa, the Cauliflower mushroom, once in Tirol in recent years.

Strobilomyces strobilaceus
Strobilomyces strobilaceus, the "Old Man of the Woods". A much more eccentric than edible mushroom.

Cortinarius caperatus, aka Rozites caperata, the Gypsy msuhroom. In German it is known as "Ringpilz" for its pronounced ring or annulus.

Young Gypsy mushrooms with the typical ring and always soemwhat shriveled cap.

Boletus badius, the Bay bolete is a common, very popular lowland bolete. Seen South of Munich.

A patch of Marasmius oreades, the fairy ring mushroom or in German the Nelkenschwindling in its antural setting in a low nutrient pasture.


 Link to Mushroaming the Tyrolean Alps July 25 to Augus 4, 2015 trip

Page first published 11-11-2014 
Munich's mycological societies annual mushroom show is hosted at the Nymphenburg Botanical Garden. It  usually is held on the third weekend of September, which also is the opening weekend of the Oktoberfest. What a nice coincide!
 Elaphocordyceps ophioglossoides displayed at the Munich mushroom show, which grows on truffles from the genus Elaphomyces . Nearly all other Cordyceps species parasite on insects. Only a few feed on truffles, especially on species of Elaphomyces, Deer truffle. Truffle feeding Cordyceps have been reclassified as Elaphocordyceps, so this one would be Elaphocordyceps ophioglossoides (Ehrh.) G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung & Spatafora.
Lepista nuda / Clitocybe nuda  - The Blewit
St Johann in Tyrol, Austria, September 2006
St Johann in Tirol, Austria, September 2007

Last edited on Wed, February 26, 2020, 1:11 am