Edible and Other Notable Mushrooms in the Northern Alps
The Wild Kaiser (Wilder Kaiser, several peaks above 2300 m / 7600 ft) seen from the town of Going. A king bolete, close to Boletus edulis, but it might be Boletus pinophilus, though the name suggests pine-association it can also associated with spruce
Amanita muscaria, Fly Agaric, in German: Fliegenpilz. The fairy book mushroom. Often falsly accused to be deadly, though it is for sure toxic, unless one is eager to have an out-of-body experience and is willing to feel so sick to the point where the mind says to the body "see you later" and prefers to be not in contacxt with vile feeling of total nausea. These side effects are the reason why there is not a lot of people that indulge. However, with proper preperation it can be turned into a good edible mushroom. Key is the neutralization of ibotenic acid, a neuro toxin. Thia can be done by slicing the mushroom and parboiling in lots of water. Actually Fly agarics where eaten by the ton in Germany during starvation period after WW2. However, nowadays it is not eaten by many people anymore.
Link to Mushroaming the Tyrolean Alps July 25 to Augus 4, 2015 trip
Link to Mushroaming the Tyrolean Alps July 25 to Augus 4, 2015 trip Page first published 11-11-2014
Munich's mycological societies annual mushroom show is hosted at the Nymphenburg Botanical Garden. It usually is held on the third weekend of September, which also is the opening weekend of the Oktoberfest. What a nice coincide!
Elaphocordyceps ophioglossoides displayed at the Munich mushroom show, which grows on truffles from the genus Elaphomyces . Nearly all other Cordyceps species parasite on insects. Only a few feed on truffles, especially on species of Elaphomyces, Deer truffle. Truffle feeding Cordyceps have been reclassified as Elaphocordyceps, so this one would be Elaphocordyceps ophioglossoides (Ehrh.) G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung & Spatafora.
Lepista nuda / Clitocybe nuda - The Blewit
St Johann in Tyrol, Austria, September 2006
St Johann in Tirol, Austria, September 2007
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